Delevon version 1.4 is a freeware program for MS Windows. With Delevon you can maintain a lists of names and phone numbers. With a Hayes compatible modem, Delevon can dial your phone. Features : - freeware - small - easy to use - Dial with Hayes compatible modems - Compatible with Windows 3.0 - Made in Germany New in Version 1.3 : - Redial if modem reports 'BUSY' - New look New in Version 1.4 : - Now supports up to 32 digits Installation : Copy the files named DELEVON.EXE, DELEDLL.DLL and DELE.VON to any Directory on your harddisk. Start DELEVON.EXE from within the Program Manager or File Manager as you would start any other Windows program. Configuration : Select the Configuration option from the Files menu. Here you can choose the appropriate COM port, baud rate and dialing method. 'Init Command' is meant to allow you to issue Hayes commands such as speaker control, etc. You can specify a 'Prefix' if you have a telephone line that requires something like '9,'. Use : From within the main window you can update, add and delete entries in your phone list. - Making a telephone call : o double-click the desired entry o wait for connection o lift the handset o press the OK button or the ENTER key Peter Wagner Compuserve : 100012,3711 GEnie : P.WAGNER2